Friday, April 22, 2005

Protein Overload

factory/farm egg comparison
Originally uploaded by Azure.
I eat too many eggs.

I used to like them a LOT because an omelette was a nice, light dinner. But then living in Cleveland while on my writing project, off my savings, and only spending money, not earning it - I found that eggs were the best bang for the buck in terms of nutrition.

Protein does make you feel full and satisfied. But until I cash this check in my bag, I have to rely on what's in the fridge. (Yeah, I know you're saying - so go cash the check. It's not that easy. I don't have a bank account here!)

What's in the fridge? EGGS. I have a hunch that in a little while I'm gonna feel like Paul Newman in that movie where he eats 50 eggs...

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